
Real estate agent Oren Alexander and brother charged with rape in New York

Real estate agent Oren Alexander and brother charged with rape in New York

Oren Alexander, a top real estate agent and co-founder of Negotiated sideways company Official Partnerswas accused, along with his twin brother Alon Alexander, of raping at least two women in New York. The two lawsuits were filed in March 2024 and first reported by The only true.

The lawsuits, filed by Rebecca Mandel and Kate Whiteman, allege that the brothers assaulted, beat and raped them in separate incidents in 2010 and 2012. The complaints also allege that Oren and Alon Alexander engaged in a similar pattern of behavior toward other women.

Each of the lawsuits was filed on March 8, 2024, with the Supreme Court of the State of New York in New York County.

The lawsuits were filed just before a New York state law called the Adult Survivors Act expired. The law allows survivors who were over 18 at the time of the assault to sue their alleged perpetrators, regardless of how long ago the crime occurred.

Oren Alexander co-founded Official Partners and The Alexander team with his older brother Tal Alexander, who is not named in the lawsuits, Douglas Elliman. The team left Douglas Elliman in 2022. Alon Alexander is an executive at a private security company.

In her lawsuit, Mandel claims she met Oren and Alon Alexander in 2009 at SL, a now-closed nightclub in New York City’s Meatpacking District, when she was 18. Over the next 12 months, Mandel says, she encountered the twins at various social events.

At some point in September 2010, Mandel claims she encountered the twins again at SL and alleges that Alon Alexander “intentionally laced Plaintiff’s beverage with an unknown substance, resulting in significant physical and mental harm,” the complaint states.

The lawsuit goes on to say that the twins persuaded her to leave the nightclub with them to attend a party at their apartment. However, when the three arrived at the apartment, there were no guests there, Mandel claims, and the brothers said they were “just hanging out for a bit.”

Mandel then claims that she was restrained by the brothers, who took turns to restrain and rape her. The lawsuit describes their behavior as “extreme and outrageous, such that the act was cruel and intolerable in a civilized society,” which Mandel says resulted in “physical and psychological trauma and damage” and caused her to experience “great humiliation, loss of self-esteem, mental anguish and suffering.”

Whiteman’s complaint alleges similar behavior by Oren and Alon Alexander. According to her complaint, Whiteman met the twins in 2008 and repeatedly declined Oren Alexander’s offers to date him over the next four years.

Whiteman claims Oren Alexander texted her in 2012 to ask if she was going to the Hamptons over Memorial Day weekend, which Whiteman confirmed via text message. That same month, Whiteman claims, Alon Alexander grabbed her and took her to a black SUV where Oren Alexander was waiting as she was leaving Dune, a nightclub in the Hamptons.

The complaint further states that Whiteman was then taken to Sir Ivan’s Castle, a property in the Hamptons owned by musician Ivan Wilzig, who is named as a defendant in the suit but is not mentioned in the assault allegations.

Whiteman claims she was forced to wear a sarong in Sir Ivan’s castle and when she tried to escape, she was “dragged” back into the garage. She also claims she was taken to a room that resembled a large bedroom, where Alon and Oren Alexander attacked, raped and beat her.

Lawyers for the defendants and plaintiffs did not return HousingWireRequest for comment. The defendants have until August 19, 2024 to respond to the claims.