
Uncle wanted for rape of two underage nieces

Uncle wanted for rape of two underage nieces

Dibete Police Station. Photo Moreri Sejakgomo

Dibete Police Station. Photo Moreri Sejakgomo

Last Friday, a guidance counselor at Leshibitse Primary School noticed that one of the victims, a nine-year-old girl, was having difficulty walking. When she confronted her about the complaints, the girl admitted that she had been sexually abused by her uncle, it is said. The teachers then reported the incident to the police and the victim’s six-year-old little sister was also questioned. It was revealed that the six-year-old had also been sexually abused by the same uncle earlier this year.

Dibete Police Station Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Superintendent Pearl Nkele, said they have since launched investigations to find and question the uncle on the minors’ allegations. “We suspect that he may have found out that investigations were ongoing and fled because he has not returned home since he left on Friday morning, which is unusual for him, according to the victims’ mother, who is his elder sister. “Both minors have been taken to Deborah Retief Memorial (DRM) Hospital for examination by doctors and we have launched further investigations into the matter,” she said.