
Last words of the crew of the submersible “Titan” – a false report: Investigation reveals fake logbook

Last words of the crew of the submersible “Titan” – a false report: Investigation reveals fake logbook

Last words of the crew of the submersible “Titan” – a false report: Investigation reveals fake logbook

All five crew members of the submersible died in the accident.

A chilling transcript describing the final moments of the crew of the submersible Titan during their Titanic expedition has been exposed as a hoax, according to The New York Times. The logbook, published last year, describes a dramatic fight for survival and raises doubts about its authenticity. After a year-long investigation, the authorities confirmed that the log was completely fake. The crew had no advance warning of the impending disaster.

Accordingly The NYT, The US government investigation team said the entire protocol was fabricated. After nearly a year of investigation, the group found no evidence that the five passengers on board the Titan were warned of the catastrophic implosion that would take their lives. At a depth of three kilometres, where the seawater exerts enormous pressure, an implosion would have caused the violent collapse of the ship’s hull immediately.

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“I am convinced that it is a false transcript,” said Captain Jason D. Neubauer, who retired from the U.S. Coast Guard and serves as chairman of the Marine Board of Investigation, the agency’s highest investigative body. “It was fabricated.” The author is unknown.

For several reasons, even though the diary gave an appearance of authenticity, the federal team saw through the farce. In particular, the records of actual contacts between the submersible and its mother ship were made available to Mr. Neubauer’s team; these communications remain a classified part of the federal investigation.

He said his team, with the assistance of National Transportation Safety Board investigators, “found no evidence” that Titan’s passengers knew of the impending implosion or their fate.