
Debt collection lawsuit investigation: Premier Bank, Credit One, American Express, Wells Fargo, Discover, Comenity, Navient and others

Debt collection lawsuit investigation: Premier Bank, Credit One, American Express, Wells Fargo, Discover, Comenity, Navient and others

Debt collection calls: Who is affected?

Woman is frustrated by calls from debt collection agencies.
(Image credit: ShotPrime Studio/Shutterstock)

Receive harassing debt collection calls from Premier Bank, Credit One, American Express, Wells Fargo, Discover, Comenity, student loan servicer Navient or other financial institutions? If you live in California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Carolina or Texas, you may be eligible for compensation.

If you’re being tormented by the constant calls from these financial institutions, help may be at hand. Residents of California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Texas are fighting the tide to force the institutions to comply with federal and state debt collection laws!

You can get legal help even if the calls from debt collectors are not directed at you. How many times do you have to say that the person you are looking for doesn’t live here? Or how long before someone believes you?

Do you meet the requirements?

If you’re getting too many calls from debt collectors, you may be able to take legal action. Learn more about legal action you can take in California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas here..

For more information please fill out the form on this page.

Who called you?

Consumers who have received unlawful debt collection calls from the following institutions may be eligible to participate in a debt collection call investigation:

  • Premier Bank
  • Credit One
  • American Express
  • Wells Fargo
  • Discover
  • Comenity
  • Navient (student loans)

Debt collection laws by state

Debt collection laws vary by state, but federal law does not allow debt collection agencies to contact you directly, “if a debt collector knows that you are represented by an attorney with respect to the debt… (and) knows or can easily find out the name and contact information of your attorney.”


California debt collection laws include strict Debt collection regulations that prohibit deceptive conduct, including calls that harass or abuse consumers in an attempt to collect a debt, or calls that make false or misleading statements in an attempt to collect a debt. Calls in California must be made between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., and debt collectors are not allowed to contact family, neighbors, or anyone else about a debt without meeting certain requirements.


Connecticut Debt Collection Laws Protecting citizens from unlawful debt collection practices. Creditors and debt collectors are prohibited from impersonating government officials, accusing you of committing a crime, or harassing or bullying you over the phone.


Florida State Debt Collection Laws Protect consumers by prohibiting misleading or harassing conduct, including calling with such frequency that it “can reasonably be considered harassment.” Calling a debtor’s workplace when the debtor knows the employer does not approve, continuing to contact a consumer after the consumer has been asked to stop calling, and calling after being informed that the consumer does not owe the debt in question are all violations.


Georgia State Debt Collection Laws Allow debt collectors to contact other people to find out where you live or work. They are not allowed to call you at inappropriate places or times, or contact you at work if they know your employer frowns upon personal calls. They are not allowed to lie to you in any way.


Massachusetts debt collection laws prohibit a number of harassing or deceptive debt collection practices, including making more than two calls in a seven-day period to a home number or more than two calls in a 30-day period to a number other than home, such as a work number. Massachusetts also prohibits calls outside of normal business hours and requires callers to show identification.


Michigan State Debt Collection Laws prohibit debt collectors from calling before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. unless you give them permission. Calls to your workplace are also prohibited if you have told them verbally or in writing not to do so. To stop such calls, it is a good idea to inform debt collectors by phone and then confirm this in writing by certified mail. Keep the receipt and report any violations promptly so they can be resolved.


Pennsylvania’s Law on uniform lending prohibits unfair and deceptive practices by creditors and debt collectors, including calling in unusual locations, calling at work, making more than one call per week about a particular debt, or calling before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m.

South Carolina

Under South Carolina Debt Collection Lawdebt collectors may contact other people when trying to track you down. However, they may not disclose how much you owe and usually are not allowed to contact third parties more than once. If you hire an attorney, debt collectors may only contact your attorney and no one else. If you do not have an attorney and you write the debt collector a letter asking them to stop contacting you, they may stop contacting you unless they confirm that there will be no further contact or tell you that they intend to take a specific action.


Under Texas Debt Collection Law, Debt collectors cannot garnish wages to repay consumer debts, and declared homes are protected from debt collection unless the debt is related to the home (such as mortgage arrears). Debt collectors cannot call you outside of working hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., or contact you at work if your employer does not permit these calls.

Participate in the investigation of a debt collection lawsuit

Attorneys are interested in speaking with consumers who have received illegal calls from creditors and debt collectors in California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Texas.

Consumers who have received such calls, even though they do not owe the creditor, are most likely to be entitled to take legal action. However, debtors who have received unlawful calls can also take part.